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I was captivated by Austin's storytelling and wanted to document his journey because of a change I noticed in myself. Prior to meeting him, transgender issues were unfamiliar to me, and my first reaction was to discount a need for hormones and surgery. When I met Austin, something inside me changed. I found it so easy to accept him! The judgement just melted away and I wanted to give other people a chance to meet him and recognize his humanity.
Cras tortor augue, dapibus vel viverra at, mattis sit amet lectus. Aliquam odio nibh, rhoncus a lectus vitae, finibus venenatis massa. Nullam mattis, nisi quis tempus interdum, metus neque malesuada enim, eget ullamcorper magna tortor at massa. Fusce feugiat scelerisque dui, nec faucibus ligula efficitur faucibus.
Phasellus pretium consectetur pharetra. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Sed hendrerit, diam sed eleifend interdum, felis nisl aliquam enim, vestibulum feugiat lectus eros ut leo. Maecenas aliquet tortor nec lacus viverra convallis. Praesent dignissim nulla id dolor mollis, ut suscipit neque sollicitudin. Suspendisse lacinia, mi a venenatis porta, magna nulla consectetur eros, vel ultricies arcu elit ornare est. Donec eu mi nunc. Vivamus diam eros, molestie nec rutrum ut, tempus eget turpis.
Nunc vulputate tortor vitae metus maximus facilisis. Nam nec urna non mauris sodales eleifend. Nullam eu erat in quam euismod eleifend ut vitae arcu. Ut lobortis est tellus, ut aliquam dui blandit commodo. Sed non iaculis nibh. Maecenas aliquam velit id dolor cursus rhoncus. Pellentesque dignissim posuere neque vitae ultrices. Fusce sed enim id odio mollis elementum vel at massa. Sed nisi dui, sodales vel metus ac, tempus placerat turpis. Phasellus non ex lectus. Praesent eu mauris libero. Aliquam in venenatis leo, sed mollis dolor. Aliquam ut pulvinar turpis. Sed id magna congue, ultrices tortor a, molestie sem. Etiam eget aliquam urna
Throughout the process, the Hollywood Theatre offered guidance and non-profit affiliation to help fundraise for these efforts. The film's premiere was held at this historic site...
Without the assistance of grants from the Equity Foundation, Polk Family Charitable Trust, and Pride Foundation, WIFPDX Faerie Godmother Fund, and additional individual donations, the making of this film would not have been possible.
After filming community shots, interviews, Austin’s surgery fundraiser, top-surgery and recovery, the crew brought the edited rough-cut to Basil Shadid, a Sundance award-winning academy-nominated editor. Basil’s professional experience and proven dedication to Deaf & trans issues elevated the scope of the project.
The film is accompanied by original music, composed by Portland-based artists, Ashleigh Flynn, Chris Funk (of The Decemberists), and Jen Agosta (of La Pump). The film is in American Sign Language and implements a unique sound design with music but no voiceovers to portray Austin’s Deaf experience in full cinematic effect. Eric Maxen.
The films treatment portrays a Deaf experience
with cinematography and ASL translation of native speakers: Sel Staley and Shannon
The film portrays Austin’s Deaf experience in full cinematic effect, the music a portal to his world.