About Austin Unbound - History
Film Festival Reception
Along with screenings at colleges and community events, Austin Unbound screened at dozens of festivals and was translated into nine foreign languages. In 2012 it was screened at the the Ashland Independent Film Festival, awarded "Best Film that Breaks Down Stereotypes" at the Breaking Down Barriers Film Festival in Moscow, Russia and "Best Documentary" at the Seattle Deaf Film Festival.
Full theatre at awards ceremony in Moscow.
Community Effort
Austin Unbound was produced as a community effort driven by Greensoda Productions. Two months before his top-surgery, Austin and Eliza met to discuss the possibility of the Greensoda Productions film crew accompanying him on his gender affirming surgery. Experienced filmmakers and music artists collaborated with cultural experts from the Deaf and trans communities, creating this one-of-a-kind documentary experience.
Filmmakers - Sel Staley, Mara Green and Eliza Greenwood
The film was created as a community effort and is committed to giving back to the community. Read on for ways your support of the film helps support Deaf and trans people.